Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Mini Jack O' Lantern

Halloween Spirit..

Went to cold storage the other day.. they have giant pumpkin imported from USA.. cost RM199.99 about the size of two watermelons.

Mine cost fifty cents.. bought two from pasar tani. Scarry marry or not?? nahhh


Anonymous said...

pas tu, labu tu mak lu buat masak lomak tak?

Anonymous said...

cikguuuu...!!FR finals on 22nd...matilah kali ini...macam apa pun belum buat lagi...wish us luck...hehehe...oooh ya...Selamat Hari Raya!!!

shilla66 said...

Good luck on your exam!!!
I can only wish u all the best of luck hehehehe

Anonymous said...

weh shilla la ni nak xmas - takder pokok xmas ker pulak?

Anonymous said...

Shilla aku dah dapat Xmas card ko..
boss aku yg pi korek pigeon hole.. n dia macam heran -you don't celebrate xmas???-
so xmas holiday kau gi mana?
aku cuti 4 hari - ingat nak gi Lake St. Clair [world heritage area] - kalau cunnnnnnnn nanti bila ko datang sini - kita boleh gi situ lagi.. [wishful] - leh pi tangkap platypus [muahahah]
