Monday, July 11, 2005

Hey I got what I want!!

I just realised I got a new job hehehe one of the wish list.

Hmm later I can ammend this to be MYVI

Am contemplating buying one, now that I think I can afford it hahaha
but saw one on the road yesterday the orange colour, tak cantik pulak, belakang nampak tak cantik .. hmm kalau beli savvy pun tak cung jugak .. entah entah aku maintain aje kancil tu....

YAng penting the first thing in the wish list.. free from hutang..

comparison of mawi and sawi ehhhh myvi and savvy

| No| Myvi | Savvy | Remarks: |
| : | | | |
| 1.| K3 Engine by Toyota | Renault engine | · Toyota - reliable, easy to maintain, proven |
| | | | for Malaysian market |
| | | | · Renault - expensive parts replacement, not |
| | | | proven for Malaysian hot weather |
| 2.| 1.3, 88 horse power | 1.2, 74 horse | · Open your eyes! |
| | | power | |
| 3.| DOHC | SOHC | · Open your eyes! |
| 4.| EFi | Multi point | · Renault won! |
| | | injection | |
| 5.| D.V.V.T | Timing belt | · D.V.V.T - change every 200,000 km @ 4 years |
| | | | · Timing belt - 100,000 km @ 2 years |
| 6.| Rear lamp - LED | Standard bulb | · Bulb ~ frequent changing |
| 7.| 4 power windows | Rear - manual | · Good exercise for you! |
| 8.| Electronic side mirror| Pakai tangan | · Stone edge technology! |
| | | side mirror | |
| 9.| Front signal - side | Conventional | · Double stone edge technology! |
| | mirror | | |
| 10| Fuel - 1 litre = 21 km| Fuel - 1 litre | · Can believe aaaa? |
| . | | = 18 km | |
| 11| Myvi = Toyota Passo @ | Sawi = Renault | · Tepuk dada....... Tanya selera! |
| . | Daihatsu Boon | Clio | |

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