Saturday, July 23, 2005

Double S - Siti Norhaliza and S of SSS

First S - CT
Attend a forum titled, strategic positioning of a diva - a case study of siti norhaliza in USM. Saw so many faces that I want to avoid, but what to do, I am that popular. Anyhow the seating was very very strategic, hahaha tula kawan lagi dengan people who organise this forum, i need to turn 45 degree to my left, to have a full view of CT, and our distance was less than two metres.. she is pretty!! kecik je dia nih... Kalau I bswak camera boleh tangkap clear gile...

Second S - MR S of SSS
I was at SSS earlier waiting for Intan to go to the forum... tapi mana tahu Mr S did not drive his trademark car, tapi bawak kancil .. I only knew his car but want to meet the S in person, having bumped into him once but did not give it a second look.. After hearing from Che Wang and Juli of his charmingness.. I am eager .... Intan told me, hey its S, tapi sudah missed the opportunity..

Anyway the highlight of today is I managed not only to meet with the elusive S of SSS. I also managed to talk and joked around with him.. He is someone that when u meet for the first time you feel you can connect with them... Aku tak la fake macam chewang or juli hahaha What a pity he will be away for three weeks and in five weeks time, I'm no more in Penang, or things can get interesting HAHAHAH yeah right!!! (said intan) Keep 'em guessing..

Then of to Rosram to have lunch with Amit - he's going back to Gurun..Sian dia kena viral infection deman, muntah etc semalam.. For lunch Aku jadi kucing, makan ikan goreng and ayam nasik ayam.. Kucmon joined us later tengah makan Non mai.. join us, and of course la lunch on him. ASked him to belanja me to go to see CT's concert tonight in EQ, tak mau plak dia.... takut bini kot? hahahah Kucmon mesti bengang sebab aku takjadi pi konsert CT malam ni, kamera dah bagi suruh tangkap gambar cT dari hujung kaki ke hujung rambut.. nampak gayanya gambar kaki and gambar rambut aku le yang kena tangkap malam niiiii

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