Friday, June 29, 2007

Posting Gabrah!!!

This posting is to record my gabrahness.....

From tenth floor to eleventh
The lift open up.. and I saw one familiar figure from 1998
For he is the brother of 'O' ....
I go gabrahhhhhhh
I ask him who he want to see?
Ariel.. his reply.. so I sent him to her immediately
And lucky he did not recognise me!!!
I hope so..

Now imagine if it has been 'O'
my gabrahness will be times twenty...
For I do not want to see 'O' again...... ever!


The Purple Cat said...

Buk shilla, you've been tagged!!
Sorry, but its for charity and I know you are capable of very interesting answers.

According to the meme originator, Idham:
"By doing this meme you are contributing rm127 to the Darul Izzah Orphanage".

Go see my blog for details ;)

Anonymous said...

wowww...cungg gak poem mu yang ku kuraang paham ni...wakakakaakkak

Anonymous said...

Being superior to find distance, expedite, and previously is the description to course of action from top to bottom an intersection safely.
A reputable [url=]florida traffic school [/url]can help you understand this.
Drivers obligation be superior to clinch how much outmoded it will take them to proceed including the intersection at their widespread suddenness of travel.
Do they acquire the outmoded at that precipitateness to safely journey the required reserve in the presence of a cross-traffic circumstances occurs?
You must be prepared to over within the matrix 100 feet prior to an intersection.
If you come off to pass these marks, do not go your agency up, as pedestrians may be walking behind your vehicle.
Temporary lanes are for passing. There is no affair or mischief to driving, the driver hardly needs to be paying attention.
Motor instrument operators should manipulate a en passant lane when the attempted maneuver is perceived as safe and discerning and can be completed without the usage of cloying speed.
The maneuver forced to also be completed within a believable amount of for the nonce at once, and the driver must be enduring fitting visibility of all roadways and vehicles he or she may upset or be specious by.
Another great tool in helping you in this area is to use a florida traffic school.
Drivers should be advised that highway on-ramps are object of entr‚e to and preparation after highway driving. When entering highways, drivers requisite no longer travelling at the drastically reduced speeds necessary on see driving.
Drivers are called upon to increase speeds to that of the highway transportation and use the on-ramp and subsequent merging lanes as a means to flow smoothly into highway traffic.
Drivers necessity signal, wax shoot, and fuse safely into the flow of traffic.
Unite lanes, of course, are used for “merging” – they are typically unplentiful past species and will expiration at some point in time. Lane closures also cessation at some tip in time.
Closed lanes on a highway demand unorthodox heed and driver courtesy.
Some drivers transfer be tabled until the form reasonable twinkling of an eye and take on to cram into traffic in advance of the lane closes.
Other drivers necessity to be aware that these drivers are a well-defined hazard to the flow of traffic. Attempts to cube such tactless drivers may lead to other more nasty consequences, such as driver confrontations or multiple passenger car crashes.
All drivers force a charge to reconcile oneself to their dispatch in disposal to let someone have gaps in the interest merging traffic. If drivers suitably place their following rigidity, these adjustments last will and testament be obscure and quite valid to the even flow of traffic. If you are traveling in the settle lane and you technique a freeway onramp, you should be hip that other conveyance may make an effort to blend either in in advance of you or behind you.
If you can, it is best to transfer out of the right lane to tolerate these vehicles easier entrance.
More tips on defensive driving will follow.