Saturday, April 07, 2007

Of yesteryear memories

Today I listened to an old Hetty Koes Endang song ... one of the lyric goes
"Dulu, segenggam emas kau pinang aku, Dulu, bersumpah janji di depan saksi."

and I had a sudden flash back on Mr. Monkey (No! I don't like flash back even in movies). Off course there is no fisful of gold...but there were promises made. His and mine. And all promises were broken or worst both of us make empty promises.

Mr. Monkey... sometimes I do wonder about "US". What if...? But we do not share the same dream and how can we be.


Anonymous said... assured...we were all once young and silly...ha ha ha...We had so many "Mr.Monkeys" and make many "empty promises" along the way...At least, we are no more "silly", definitely not "young" but most importantly, we are not stuck to any "Mr.Monkey" for the rest of our pretty lives..ha ha ha

So, tak dapat segenggam emas pun tak pa...apatah lagi genggam tu sebesaq genggaman A'sha...ishk...langsung tak berbaloi!!! ha ha ha

Crabby Ashburn (Temasek-born Malaysian) said...

errr.. bersyukurlah tak end up dengan jejaka Mr monkey.. kalau tak dah tentu Ms Lambchop introducekan .."This is ma friend.. Mrs Monkey.."