Our driver.. Vilmol. segak jugaklah for a siam guy... 43 years old.. rerupanya dulu Cikgu fitness (wa rasa cikgu PE aje) teach tennis, swimming (he laugh went I told him I teach swimimng tooo unbelievable!!!) Susah sikit, dia tak tau cakap english...
The sampan ride...
I thought this is a beautiful shot of live along the canal.. My old camera.. LUMIX FX03..
The snake lady
After floating market went to go on the elephant ride...500 bhatt each after "we same same country cheap cheap la" so got 100 bhatt discount. No actual picture on the elephant..
Mr Fitness and the elephants
I was shocked, as the elephant spank my bottom hard..........
I thought this is a good picture of Mr Fitness nibling on little fried fish for our lunch.. somewhere near ayuthuya..
The lunch yang best
This is the famous buddha head in tree... dekat ayuthuya.. Got story.. there a signage there saying do not stand over buddha head..
So when taking this photo, I was standing, and suddenly a zap on my lil' paha. Then another...
This is the caretaker.. can u see the small stick behind him.. he used that to zap zap me... i was standing and NOOOOO when taking photo with the buddha head u cannot take it while standing...... I tought the word do not stand over... maksud jangan panjat panjat kepala buddha tu.. cheeettttttttt
shills, kalau wa dapat gi bangkok lagi wa nak pi ngan lu. rugi je dulu pegi EU bayar pastu cannot go to so many places coz no adventurous companions. and asyik kena tipu ngan cab drivers jer.
ala nanti lu pi la dengan baby besaq.... actually quite expensive trip too. We hire the van for 1500 bhatt per day this tak termasuk petrol, toll and tips for the driver. As we go to two different places yang far apart, petrol for that day was 1100 bhatt..
Gue tak ambik package sebab mahal jugak and then can go to one place aje..
sapa nak pi ngan wa? sapa nak pi? jommmmm....opppssss..sorrriii...wa bukang Siam material except material jenis Thai Silk....ha ha ha.....
Seriously the guy whipped you??? Ha, ha...but the Thais are very serious about respect for Buddha, their King and their country. Interesting story!
not whip very hard one lah... just a gentle zap hehehe i dramatize aje..
Yeah, I seriously thought the sign meant no panjat-panjat the buddha head only...
ms lambchop ..
tomyam takkan u tak minat heheh thai jugakkkkkkk mangga siam lagiiiiiii
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