Saturday, March 11, 2006

Pizza Hut Salad Bar!

In Adelaide, if the salad bar, you can refill as many time as you like. Here in Malaysia, no refill. Unless you are a mat salleh? IN Pizza Hut, I am sure they don;t allow for refill.

What about McDonald? Burger King.. yupp their value meal comes with refill..Do you know McDonald you can ask for refill? Nah? Try again, but make sure u bring a mat salleh, and ask the mat salleh to ask for the refill, and the staff will refill without any questions. Today at McDonald near the Curve, Adam asked for refill twice, and no problemo.. You all dare to try???

Anyway back to pizza hut.. go and see this website.. it show how to beat pizza hut.. maximising your ROI...I always take more that what the average person can fill into the bowl.. but this is humongous// I sure like to eat that cucumber.

Learn how to tower up your salad bowl with stuffs..

have fun. I will try this sometimes, but not as high as this la..


shilla66 said...

Have the opportunity to do this during the KLIBF, ada vendor bawak we all tengok buku, and belanja makan. takjadi la pasal PH sini kedekut.. tak cukup variety of salad.
What I did was extending the mouth of the bowl using lettuce, and taruk semua benda.. err equivalent to three bowls of salad jugak la...

Service was so so.. sebab the bread stick tak datang-datang sampai dah habis makan. Apahal, soup dah ambik awal-awal.. nak makan dengan apa bread stick tu? They should empowered the waitress to offer something else.. lambat la baru offer, tu pun kata u can take two soups (WTF? kami dah bedal soups takkan nak lagi! or one salad..but they already

shilla66 said...

full, so kami bagi kat org sebelah salad tu.. And then bread stick sampai...... pandai lak waiter tu kata,... tak pa ambil aje....
So apalagi depa makan la. err I makan pizza topping and salad aje..