Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Good luck vs. bad luck

Today is the fourth day of working at the new place.
Brief details of my karma ..

First day 1/9/05 : Leave home 7.15, takut caught in the jam. First day wearing the daisy duck tudung... True enough, it takes me about an hour to reach office. First tought its a twenty km journey.. New place, were told, that a notebook will be give (so far so good), do nothing, no room yet, no phone,no briefing as HR involved with accident. I'm so bored, sure la, after all in penang, i am always on the move, now bosan bosan..

Going back from work, sesat.. I took the wrong turn, but oklah. took me 45 minutes, for a twelve km journey.. itu hightway.. thru jalan kuching.

Night - when to pump gas, and what a day.. lost my wallet with more than 1K, I supposed to pay all the credit card bills.. That night spend a frantic hours to call all banks to report lost of atm and credit card. Yupp I got more than ten banks to call................ bad karma begins

Second day 2/9/05 : do nothing, take half day off to report lost of everything at the police station, do ic and license. Cuti tanpa gaji, there goes my 1/2 day salary.. banyak oii we all work five days week... Lucky policewoman is efficient. I think I lost a kilo in weight (mostly thru sweating) as I parked my car at maju junction, and walk to balai polis campbell, then to kwsp building to get cash, then back to pertama kompleks to do license, wait before u can do license u need ur temporary ic, so i walked back to maju junction .. lucky i took the number earlier..

Third day 5/9/05: by 7.30 I'm out from home, I already knew how the traffic system work, no need to go early, by eight i'm already sitting in my workstation.. Yupp no room yet..Oh ya, morning, we have some sort of assembly, i think its a once a month thing.. Guess what, I need to learn jalur gemilang and keranamu songs, we sing 3 songs.. Then do nothing.. I'm so bored..

Yesterday, go back ikut bulatan pahang, half an hour... eh not bad.

Today 6/9/05: do nothing again, but find out where i can have internet access during lunch hour.. so here i am...... Oh I need to attend a workshop later at two thirty. So at least i got to do something.

btw distance from my place to office is only 11km tops thru jalan sentul.... so i hope can save on petrol.


1 comment:

KittyCat said...

Good to hear from you finally - sorry againlah about your wallet. Be more careful-lah now in KL already. If in Penang/college, MAYBE (maybe only)
you can still get it back.

Your first days sure sound funny but a bit wunderful since you were rushing like mad in your last week. Enjoy the free time while u can!