Monday, July 14, 2008

20 random facts about me

Tagged by Lis yang crabby tuh!

Fact #1
I am not a planner.... I am a "no need to think or plan, just follow the guts feeling and do it kind of person". So don't be surprise that I will be in deep trouble (very few times la)before you can say "Hold your toughts please!"

Fact #2
I love gadgets and stationeries... still dreaming owning various gadgets and my desires to travel to Japan to shop for kawaii stationeries still on the list of "100 things I need to do before I die".

Fact #3
I am a certified life guard (aheemmm though the cert only valid for two years then u need to take up the test again)... complete with CPR cert and all (Award level, whereby you have to swim 50m length and in between need to dive and touch two bricks under water.. all under 70 seconds.... Hey I am not a fast swimmer, but I have the endurance.

Fact #4
I love petaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii give me petai, I can eat it raw... I can eat with anything, bread, beehoon, soup etc... can can.. just give me petai...

Fact #5
I can bet that I cannot eat more than 3/4 of fruits available. Lemme list what I do eatDurian, rambutan, grape, mango (not too ripe), lai (nashi pear), crunchy apple (golden delicous/fuji and green apple only) , green strawberry, pineapple, mangosteen, guava (not ripe), jambu air, jeruk betik muda (fresh betik is no no, except somtam),   ... well will add on, can't think of anymore fruits that I eat

Fact #6
I am afraid of lizard............. yucks and yuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkks

Fact #7
More to come.. not enough time lahhh kena work work workkkkkkkkkk
I work hard for the money


KittyCat said...

Hahaha...I remember your "love affairs" with Lizards!!!

Got any time for the The Bookworm's tag?

Crabby - Temasek Born Malaysian said...

wey. u certified lifeguard.. hah can give me refresher course swimming ah.. me only know renang katak, belajaq 8 lesson je skipped last two sebab kena swim deep end.. wa tak leh sebab takut amsa tu... penah hampir mati lemas kat teluk bahang.. no joke..

actually masa nak mula berenang lembik lutut and siap nangis lagi tak nak... isshkk kenangan..

tu yg tak paham cam ne wa boleh berani gi snorkeling kat redang and perhentian hari tu... sebab ada lifejacket berani la.. tapi without.. wa still tak berani walau di swimming pool wa...t yg buat tengok indahnya swimming pool besaq tu je... heheehehe

shilla66 said...

ok then kena ada session berenang kat kolam rumah lu, nanti org komplen lak sapa bela badak berendam dalam kolam tu, kalau quorum kita semua pi berendam kat tempat lu ...