Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Busy as a bee!

No time to update the blog. What happening since last update.. Well work and work. Came to office even during CNY break to finish off things. Still tak habis-habis jugak.

Anyway, bought myself a bicycle.. QUICKSILVER 18 gear ... I think I've cycled four times since the purchase. Promised to cycle more frequently. So tonight will balik and cycle at least one round. Will post the picture. It's yellow. This remind me of Farid's bicyle yang sporty tu. off topic Farid! baru ni bf pysco lu appear on TV for the juara lagu thing... (MN) penyu...

Got a trampoline too. A round mini trampoline... max kg 100 kg hahahaha its quite fun to jump on the trampoline, but make sure you clear your bladder first, else, as you bounced and the tummy goes blob blob against your bladder, you feel like going there and then !!! oh!! problem only exist for obese people hahahaha so you all with no tummy no problemo kot...

Bought soccer and basket ball for the kids, trying to get them to start exercising. So the theme for this month spending is it involve exercise and sweat, I am all for it. Got a new jump rope, old one still in the kotak. Also the exercise ball, no time to pump yet. Watson ada sales Rm36.90 and 75cm comes with pump. Kettler 60cm and no pump and lagi mahal. Still looking for the stretchable rope for pilate/yoga.

Oh also a cheap set of badminton racquet and shuttlecock. Abang Wa and Abang Chik are hopeless, they don't know how to even hit the shuttlecock. Maybe with a lot of practice they will get better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

boss tak dak minggu ni - so layan internet - hahahhah - pun ada banyak new entries -ish..

Bike - ow yes - my bike still dok kutip habuk... baru ni aku jumpa 2 mamat cycling near the rented place - depa stop sebab one of them kena pump the tires.. so we got talking abt bike - depa ajak aku join biking in da bush! - aku kata aku nak cari flat area saja... n depa ni pulak sengaja cari hills

so aku dah pindah - Perth Tasmania - 16 kms to work [larat tak nak kayuh nanti? my tires still flat - nak kena tukar] - so far - rasa macam camping - living amongst boxes. that house used to have a huge trampoline.. really big one - but they took it with them - so no chance Aladdin nak jadi "super hero" - they left a swing set though.
ow yes MN penyu -- kikikiki [still has it ... still berjuara lagu]

ciao cincau