Monday, December 12, 2005

All work and no play make me stressful

Haiya.. looking at my last posting.. more than two weeks I did not update my posting.

So what's new...
Berat badan bertambah..tak lah banyak but body tak setone dulu (hahahha as if la its tru) from hariraya do, open house here and there.. Then got training somemore.. Sure got makan-makan one, so eat somemore...

Still didn't take rice, but all kuih, kentang I took over the period of one half month period after raya. So from now on I will start my pantang la.

So today, I'm redoing my two days of eggs only meal plus WATER WATER WATER 3 litre of cold water. But wednesday ada makan-makan .steamboat at kak long. Hopefully by then the indicator will turn pink, so i can makan meat.


Anonymous said...

weh shil apa jenis diet nih? citer sikit - aku pun nak diet jugak - last aku tengok scale 90 kg!
dah tak berani lagi naik scale kat nursing area tu
aku ingat nak gi beli slimmist [ala oprah] - tapi ita kata [baru ni aku telipon makcik ita] - kata oprah pun gemuk jugak

but am seriously considering slimmist - kat sini rega dia $50 camtu [tahan sebulan kut?]


shilla66 said...

Tak de diet la...
tapi its a high proteinn, very very low carbo (green vegies ok) and no sugar diet.......

mungkin Similar kot to south beach diet (which aku tak pernah baca lagi) sebab bila aku cakap aku tak makan this and that, orang lain yang akan kata atkin diet ke? south beach diet ke???

aku kata diet ikut suka hati.. boleh makan telor (as much as u can), sea food can, makan daging (with lemak) hahahha butter, cheese are ok.....
and minum ice cold water....... which is so so me.......

Anonymous said...

aku belum beli lagi slimmist - nak kena sorok frm hisham - hehe - Intan kata after beranak [dah beranak kut nih sonyap jo] - dia akan live "healthy".. dia nya role model - Ojot.. so I thought kau pun diet ojot jugak kut?

neighbour aku diet ---- one meal a day [oddly -dinner] - day time just makan buah n minum n minummmmm lotsof minum
she also take metamusil n evening primrose... 2 minggu aku tak jumpa dia - memang nampak the diff.

no motivation lah - esp bab perut ni macam dah diluar control
