Monday, April 06, 2009

Point to Ponders 001

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely - Rodin

Well, many of us had experiences, whether its good or bad, but did we use the experience wisely?

For example, you go to Shop A, and they serve you lousy food, would you go again... Logicly, you don't.

OR in the case, you ask Mr BS for some help, but Mr BS told you to go off fly kite, would you ask help from him again.... logicly, you don't.

But why oh why, when it come to matters from the heart, you can never learn....
Supposedly, Mr 58 opps MR GM always take you for granted..... logicly, when he does it again, and again... We (women with brains) should realised that this is not right and should move on with our life.

But again, what I observed were We (women with brains and big heart) tend to hang to whatever dream or hope we have that the relationship will work.. Hey! learn from your experience, if he done it once, it will do it again... Apatah lagi that he had done it more than twice to you.....

Bodoh ke apa???


Farid aka BIG MOMMA said...

Cinta itu buta
dan pekak
dan tuli
dan bowdow
dan pathetic
dan gila
dan .......
dan ...

Crabby - Temasek Born Malaysian said...

dah kekadang lu kena elak layan perasaan lobih-lobih...
sekali-sekala tak pe.. tapi gini lah.. kalau lu ada tertanya-tanya lu sorang je yg bagi hati, curah segala namun terasa seprti kena guna dan tak dipedulikan ..

maka selalunya memang la ia memang kes kena guna dan tak banyak atau sebenar-benarnya dipedulikan..

begitu lah..

nyonya said...

crabby, wa tau le lu loyar. janganle tulih macam lu tulih contract. Pening mau paham....

apa-apapung, yang penting wa are women with brains and don't ever forget that

Crabby - Temasek Born Malaysian said...

nyonya ah.. kalau wa bikin kontrak lagu tu, nescaya semua klien wa lari wohhh...

anyway, gist of it, if it crossed your mind that you've been hoodwinked, or have taken advantage of, then, in actual fact - you've indeed been so!

the system and mind has detected it, but usually your heart stays in denial. so tu yg lu akan terwonder-wonder ....just stop the wondering and move on.

macam post wa dalam blog hari tu : jangan jadi pampers la...takung dan sambut segala kerapah, lepas berbakti kasik sipemakai selesa segala, bila dia dah ok, lu kena buang... nama pun pakai buang kan..