Monday, January 21, 2008

Meme - 5 things

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Tagged by - autieida

5 things found in my bag (beg hijau from pre-loved from samantha)...



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* purse of the moment: green purse - my besday present from Eda!
* my mcgyver thingie - cardsize swissknife thing
* lipstick brand origin yang ori
* my phone.. kena tukaq dah tu
* pen biru

5 things found in my purse..
* duit .. currently adalah RM300 (sometime 0 ma..)
* credit cards
* IC
* bonuslink and various domino pizza coupon
* surah what huh? ok ok dah check, qursi :)

5 favorite things in my room aka STORE...
* kotak and more kotak.. baru je simpan sampah atas lantai into ten more kotak, the kotak from the day i moved to kl (two and 4 months ago, still intact maaa) eh silap... but some of my favorite things are in the boxes
* orange salt lamp - to get rid of all the negative ions
* my bantal peluk.. (kekabu one and no bolster case.. ntah mana hilangnya)
* the airconditioner - weh tak leh tidur malam tanpa aircond tau
* soft toys - badak small pillow and one tortise
* the comforter which is so comforting.... when its hot, it makes me cool, when its cold, it makes me warm... sungguh ajaib and comforting

5 things i’ve always wanted to do (for now)..
* quit the job and goyang kaki
* play with a'isha
* travel .. just anyway also can la
* biasalah lose some weight via less eating, more exercising hehehhehe cakap sajalah
* change for the better... what... change..

5 things I’m currently into..
* baca blog
* reflexology
* makan
* work
* a'isha

5 people I'm going to tag... --> tak de orang yang nak ditag
* jangan seksa orang... nanti depa seksa kita pulak

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