Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Planned to stay longer at the office today, as I have lots of work to do... So there I was busy working aka typing thing in the notebook, suddenly I felt my chair being pulled. I stunted... and continue working and again I can feel the pulling feeling. I realised I am alone in the office... uwaaaaa takut.... was it earth quake... i got no one to verify the shaky and pulling effects that I felt.... takut takut takut.. so terus tutup notebook and belah...
Sampai rumah.. on the news.. ada earthquake 7.9 richter scale... kat padang.. so thank god.. I will be able to stay at the office longer as it is not hantu heheheh


Anonymous said...

Finally, you get to feel the earth shaking belowww u...wakakakakak...thank Gawd that wasn't hantu but again...hod do u know for sure ? Are u aware of the differences - earthquake and hantu? ha ha ha....lain kali, JANGAN PANDANG BELAKANG!!! :)

KittyCat said...

LOL knowing your affair with Thai horror, ARE YOU REALLY SURE?

Btw, I've just tagged you. I think you'll like doing this as it's about your Mum =)

shilla66 said...

hahaha my mom... ok will do it

Crabby Ashburn (Temasek-born Malaysian) said...

getarannnnn jiwaaaaaaaaa... melanda kerusi ku....