Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Six things that you might not know about me!!!!

The SIX traits of mine that people don't know about or I wannna share with people. Someone tags me.. so after so long baru nak buat this tag..

1. I am scared of lizard......

Why? I don't know but I am sure geli to see their translucent body and their eggs or even their internal organ.. see the picture below.. geli or not..

2. I used to read Mills and Boons and lots of it.. During my university years.. You can see be lugging away 50 M&B (thats tht number allowed at one time) from the state library.. I sure enjoy reading them esp when exam time.. other people study I will be reading M&B. Tak kisah if I've read the novel hundreth time before.

3. I hate opps menyampah kat slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww mooooooooo people....aka cik lemb.. Theres plenty that I've met and work with. I am a quick thinking and fast action lady.. able to make decision in a split second.. eventhough the wrong one hehehehe

4. I used to collect stuff, from postcards, bus tickets, key chain, stamps....... but now I don't really know what happen to my collections.

5. I can't sing....... I am tune deaf. I can't sing period. Though I think I can shake er move well.. heheheh Walaupun cannot sing, I used to perasan jadi Kajol nyanyi lagu Kuch Kuch Hota Hai...................

6. I have not take any rice for nearly two years.. Suppose no carbo at all. Now no rice but anything goes.. so the weight piled back again.....


Anonymous said...


kalau still interested in MBs, i have sekepok kat dalam "stor". dari dulu sampai sekarang wa suka baca tapi now susah nak baca coz takut baby besaq rasa ada something wrong with our "love" life sampai kena baca fiction plak. hehehehe!

shilla66 said...

la ni wa tak rasalah sesuwaiiii nak baca MBs..
And wa have to agree maybe baby besaq akan suspect lu perlu extra stimulus hehhehehehe