I normally don't like food court food, they are too bland for my taste. However, today roti nan was awesome, I ordered garlic nan, tandori chicken and chicken masala, it was so good, habis licin.. Heppy take kebab (apparently semalam juga makan kebab, he is addicted to kebab!)plus spaghetti kebab, Dini makan mix vegies,Yanti (the new friend) takes popiah and tasbuh salad... the salad looks delicious got to try it next time I'm in KLCC...
We talk and talk and continue with cofee at gloria's jean... This explains why at 2.02 I'm still not sleepy.. iced latte punya pasal dong....
So what did we talk about...well thanks Dini for making me remember all these
1. During my masters day, I am the only Malaysian aheem a clever Malaysian btw who did the master programme, together with a bunch of indonesian and also mat salleh. Well Dini remembers well that my habit of only spending two hours (last minute) to prepare my assignment, as opposed to her spending weeks on hers. At the end we either get the same grade or even I did better... hahahah lalallalla clever girl ma .. My response was.. if I spend even one month on the assignment I will still get the same grade ... why suffer for long, only two hours is enough.... Think MARGINAL UTILITY of SATISFACTION. And also my willingness to accompany Dini to the cinema eventhough I haven't finished my assignment. Again to me, knowing i am yet to start my assignment which is due tommorow morning... the utilities of watching movies is too much to resist..... An easy but risky high heheheh
2. I work mostly in the computer lab.,.... hurdling all the books or material, read and then composing whatever assingments etc... During my last term, when my thesis is due, I am unable to produce any work!!! mengapanya dong???? Anyway my supervisor will be looking for me, and I will try to hide from him, even to the extend of hiding under the computer table...... Yeyek (another friend) will have a good laugh seeing the not so big me then struglling to cover myself under the table..
3. How I will challenged Yeyek for a lumba lari along rundle mall.. I will off balance yeyek and starts running, off course i will win hhehehe Recently As and me lumba lari at the office after lunch hour, no one at the office .... and I sort of run, and she abstained and laugh at my expenses..... i even play this game with my nephews...
Read more about rundle mall in wikipedia
4. How I love chatting... hmmm this I can't remember, but actually its this chatting that keeps me awake so that i will be able to work long hours till the wee hours to finish off my work... So the name pop up.. W.G. and guess what the world is a small place.. Yanti knew him... so it was like cerita and cerita...
p/s ntang his married now.. 1998, 3 kids apparently........
5. The memories of my redhead lecturer D.R. who bored me to death, he also are dead bored with me...
There are more.... it was a good meeting of old friend and making new friends...